
Showing posts from March, 2022

Resurrecting species a thing in the world?

 Couple weeks ago, scientist have found ways to resurrect extinct species, but with a twist.  With the development of gene-editing technology like CRISPR, scientists have moved their focus away from cloning and toward genetic engineering as the most promising option for "de-extinction," or the resuscitation of extinct species. Genetic engineering, unlike cloning, would not produce an exact clone of an extinct species. “Instead, the approach would alter the genome of a living animal to resemble that of the targeted extinct animal,” as said by Anna Gibbs. The objective is to make that proxy as close as feasible to the extinct species. Researchers attempted to recover the genome of the Christmas Island rat to test the method's boundaries. The researchers was able to retrieve around "95 percent" of the extinct rat's genome by comparing bits of the ancient rat's genetic instruction book with the genome of a surviving relative, the Norway brown rat. That may n...

Gene-Edited Beef almost available to consume in the U.S.

Bryan Lapsiwala Genetics 2110-001 Professor Barbato March 9, 2022 "Meat from gene-edited cattle could be on the way in a few years," said by Candice Chol, as she writes about the green light that had been given for genetic-mutated or edited beef to be consumed by the Food and Drug Administration.  After salmon and pigs, Recombine-tics ' cattle are the third genetically modified animals approved for human consumption in the United States. Many additional foods contain genetically modified components derived from crops such as soybeans and corn. The cattle examined by the FDA had their genes edited using CRISPR technology to give them short, smooth coats that allowed them to better endure hot conditions. Heat-resistant cattle may gain weight more quickly, resulting in more efficient meat output. The cattle, unlike the salmon and pigs, did not have to go through a lengthy approval process. The cattle were exempted, according to the FDA, because their genetic makeup is compar...